
南山大学数理情報研究科では、「南山大学国際化推進事業」として、12月16日(木)に,Antonio Pais Antunes先生をお招きし,下記の要領で講演会を開催させて頂きますことをご案内申し上げます。多数の皆様のご参加をお待ちしています。


■日時: 2010年12月16日(木)17:30−19:00

■場所: 南山大学瀬戸キャンパスH棟1階H-108

■講演者:Antonio Pais Antunes
(Department of Civil Engineering, University of Coimbra, Portugal)
■講演題目: Optimization approach to the expansion of airport networks

Air traffic has grown at an average annual rate of approximately 5 percent over the last three decades, giving an important contribution to the development of the world economy. The increase in air traffic has not been matched by an adequate expansion of infrastructure, and airport congestion problems became more frequent and severe ? something that is attested by the growing number of delayed flights. For example, in the United States, and despite the increase of scheduled travel times, the percentage of late arrivals grew from 13.4 to 20.3 between 1999 and 2009. The equivalent figures for Europe are 12.4 and 18.0, respectively. The incidence of flight delays is especially important in some of the largest airports (over 30 percent of late arrivals at JFK, Heathrow, Newark, etc.).
Airport congestion problems can be and are being dealt with at various levels (aviation authorities, airports, airlines) and in many different forms. In the short-term, demand management measures such as slot allocation systems, de-peaking practices, and congestion pricing can play an important role. However, in the long term, air traffic can only keep growing at significant rates if new airports are built and/or the existing airports are expanded.
In this presentation, we describe an optimization approach intended at helping aviation authorities in their strategic decisions regarding the expansion of the airport network of a country or a community of countries willing to coordinate their actions in respect to this type of infrastructure. The approach determines in a comprehensive manner the best expansion actions to implement for each airport (or multi-airport system), while complying with a given budget. Expansion actions consist of increasing the number or changing the location of runways at existing airports, and of improving terminal buildings and apron areas. The objective is to maximize total system’s throughput, taking into account the capacity of the airports and the impact of travel costs upon demand. The type of results that can be expected from the application of the approach are illustrated with an academic study of long-term airport network expansion in the United States.

