
南山大学数理情報研究科では、「南山大学国際化推進事業」として、11月25日(木)に,Mozart Menezes先生をお招きし,下記の要領で講演会を開催させて頂きますことをご案内申し上げます。多数の皆様のご参加をお待ちしています。


■日時: 2010年11月25日(木)17:30−19:00

■場所: 南山大学瀬戸キャンパスH棟1階H-108

■講演者:Mozart Menezes, PhD
  Professor of Supply Chain Management
  MIT-Zaragoza International Logistics Program

■講演題目: Efficiency of Democratic vs. Centralized Decisions: A Max-Sum
  Objective Assessing the Quality of Simpson's (Condorcet's) Solutions.

In this work we focus in discussing the quality of democratic decisions made by vote, using Simpson and Condorcet Methods for deriving a solution, versus a centralized (single rational actor) decision maker that maximizes the total sum of voters' utility obtained.
The central decision maker, also referred sometimes as a benevolent dictator, makes the decision considering all information whereas voters only attempt to maximize their individual utilities leading to under-optimal solutions as measured by the maxi-sum objective. Our results
suggest that the price paid by democratic process for making decision is not that high. Moreover, as the solution set increase in size (e.g. choosing several sites for new hospitals versus a single site) the better becomes the quality of the Simpson (Condorcet) Solution. Random experiments suggest that in practice the gap between the two solutions may be negligible.

